By 2021, there will be 1.5 billion desktop gamers in the world. They use keyboard shortcuts to speed up their performance, because they never want to stop playing.Ever. So, we invented a way to order KFC withoutinterrupting gaming time, by using a popular gamingconvention: The cheat code. And the brand’s name itself.
Visit and just type: "Shift + K + F + C" And done. Your order is placed.
Every time registered users typed the cheat code, an order with their registered favorite meal was automatically placed, processed, and delivered. For non-registered users, the cheat code unlocked a new secret menu, deliveredafter a regular guest customer confirmation.
Dubai Lynx Awards - 2021
Gold x 2 - Media & Direct
Silver x 3 - Direct & 2 x Digital
Bronze x 3 - Media, Design & Activation
Silver x 3 - Direct & 2 x Digital
Bronze x 3 - Media, Design & Activation